* 名節目主持人呂捷演前導聆,帶你輕鬆認識名畫《清明上河圖》
Are you ready to feel the flight? At i-Ride Taipei, prepare to fly over Taiwan’s vast blue seas, rich valleys, towering mountains, and bustling urban landscapes without having to go outdoors! The flying cinema center provides a multi-sensory 5D experience simulating the feeling of a real flight. Hold on tight as the ride will take you to heights and sights that you can’t see elsewhere - and this is all happening while you’re buckled safely on your comfortable seat. Catch a glimpse of Kaohsiung, Tainan, and even Jade Mountain, while watching various in-ground activities from above the clouds. The i-Ride Taipei flying cinema is something that should be experienced first hand to believe it, so don’t miss the chance to try the flight during your stay in Taiwan! Get ready to feel the flight of a lifetime at i-Ride Taipei Walk through the futuristic halls of the center and prepare for the ultimate indoor flying experience Buckle up you seatbelts before taking off